Gothic 3

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Ali menite, da bo Gothic 3 dobil nadeljevanje?

Poll ended at 14 Nov 2006 19:41

Total votes: 16

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Post by Innos-warrior » 03 Nov 2006 22:03


(light)Nordmarian armor, kej bolsega si nocm kupit ker za paladin armor sparam...
V roki(h) pa ma Krush Tarash od orkov (400str, 200dmg(+10, ker je nabrušena)), pa mi skor noben nč ne more ko mam tk dolgo sablo pa jih na ''daljavo'' tepem nemore noben do mene XD :D
I bless you in the name of Innos! May the lord's fire burn in your heart and give you the strenght to act acording to his justice!

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Post by Frodo » 03 Nov 2006 23:03

kje za vraga si dobil 400 strenghta? ti si močnejši od ogrov :shock:

jaz mam 230 str. in 230 hunting skilla in gre čisto super

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Post by Innos-warrior » 03 Nov 2006 23:25

no vidiš, vlagal bi v strenght namesto hunting skill, pa bi pol ko i meu 400 str, naprej vlagal kam drugam...js mam skor vse na full :P
I bless you in the name of Innos! May the lord's fire burn in your heart and give you the strenght to act acording to his justice!

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Post by Amster » 04 Nov 2006 11:51

pa vidva dečka sta obadva na strani rebelov...?
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Post by Frodo » 04 Nov 2006 14:23

to kaj ti delaš na začetku ne pomeni nič. prava odločitev je, ko izbereš vse artifacte. potem se odločiš ali si za innosa, belliarja ali xardasa. sem si shranil preden sem se odločil, tako da bom lahko hitro si pogledav še prejšna dva konca. za začetek sem si izbral za innosa (dobro)

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Post by Innos-warrior » 04 Nov 2006 15:11

hjao...mislim...o tem sploh ni vprašanja...js živim za Innosa... :o :lol:
I bless you in the name of Innos! May the lord's fire burn in your heart and give you the strenght to act acording to his justice!

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Post by Frodo » 04 Nov 2006 17:45

innos splača se vlagat v kaj drugega, kot pa samo strenght. recimo jaz z lokom, ki dela 120 dmg-a sovražnika že napol ubijem preden sploh pride do mene, ostalo pa naredita dva meča. aja tudi vlagam nekaj v tisto znanje in krajo.

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Post by Innos-warrior » 04 Nov 2006 20:27

kaj nisi prebral kaj sem napisal malo nazaj?js sem najprej vlagal v str, nato pa v kaj drugega...napiso sm tudi da mam skor vse na ful(recimo kakih malenkosti nimam...) sem pa cca 60 level.
I bless you in the name of Innos! May the lord's fire burn in your heart and give you the strenght to act acording to his justice!

starejša faca
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Post by Amster » 06 Nov 2006 15:01

kak lahko prideš do tak visokega lvla??????
kaj špilaš 6ur na dan?
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Post by Innos-warrior » 06 Nov 2006 19:44

pol ure na dan.

ubijaj take zivali da se splaca, redimo goblinov s ne splaca ker so ful zajebani pa dajo komi 50 exp.

Najdi ene lahke žvadi recimo bisone pa jih pobijaj pa je
I bless you in the name of Innos! May the lord's fire burn in your heart and give you the strenght to act acording to his justice!

starejša faca
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Post by Amster » 07 Nov 2006 18:07


Kaj pol nč ne delaš questov pa tega al se samo treniraš???????
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Post by Innos-warrior » 07 Nov 2006 19:00

ravno obratno: Jaz delam SAMO ueste in bol malo pobijam živali. Kajti, pri orkom dobiš za en quest vsaj 1000 exp.(+1000 golda hh).

Če pa ti to ne gre pa idi pobijat živali.

Jaz se potikam po deželi in delam queste iz mesta v mesto, sproti pa zbiram fire chalice. Ko bom naredil vse queste v myrthani, ter vse orke ožel golda, pa bom vsa mesta osvobodil. Aja, še prej pa bom šel v varant poiskat zadnje fire chalice in pa seveda Adanosove artefakte.(nisem se bil v varantu..vem ja... :oops: )
I bless you in the name of Innos! May the lord's fire burn in your heart and give you the strenght to act acording to his justice!

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Post by Frodo » 07 Nov 2006 21:22

jaz sem takoj navalil v puščavo :D

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Post by Amster » 08 Nov 2006 08:43

potem "innos warrionr" ti potem delaš za orke, kr če delaš zanjih maš tut queste ko morš pobijat skrite campe... :(
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Post by Scorpion » 08 Nov 2006 12:02

Sinoči je izšel nov patch, ki popravi samo probleme s shranjevanjem igre, da se več ne "sesuva". Prav tako sem našel tudi kaj vse so popravili prejšni patchi.

patch 1=Build 1.07
patch 2=Build 1.08
patch 3=Build 1.09

To avoid using the patches (same for 1.07) as an exploit:
- unequip all items
- save game
- apply patch
- load game
Otherwise equipment bonuses will be counted doubly after


Build 1.09
- fixes an issue where trying to save a game would
crash/hang the program with a memory related errormessage

Build 1.08
- Several crash bugs fixed
- Performance increased
- Combat AI for several monsters improved/simplified (e.g. boar)
- Lots of AI Fixes ( Murderer Reaction from party member fixed, AI comments improved)
- Sleeping NPC's AI reactions improved
- Camera Control: Inverting the X-axis is now saved
- Lensflare/Sun doesn't shine through mountains and buildings anymore
- Rhobar and Zuben are dead after defeating them
- Revolution mechanics improved
- Lester does now talk even when not sitting at the campfire
- Epilogue fixed
- "No mission success after 2 times "not enough gold" fixed

Build 1.07
- Glowing vegetation bug in older shader versions has been fixed
- Several crashes and bugs related to the physics system have been fixed
- Flickering objects and invisible particle systems bugs (mostly fire) were fixed
- Some bugs were fixed which lead to the hero being invisible after loading
- Some bugs were fixed which lead to skeletons and golems disapperaing after death
- Z-Fighting bugs and alpha object order bugs were fixed, especially magic barrier vs. sky plane
- Several bugs with rendering objects under water were fixed
- An illumination crash bug on multicore systems was fixed
- Several bugs and optimizations relating the the dynamic music system were done
- A bug was fixed that lead to the damage value for modified weapons being not be displayed correctly
- The mouse cursor sometimes appeared at wrong positions. This was fixed.
- We fixed a bug where, after loading a save game, unique treasure chests would hand out the first item in the list again
- A bug in the soul travel spell was fixed (hero did not recognize that he has transformed back, resulting in an invincible state)
- The height of wade- and swim effects was adjusted
- A bug was fixed that calculated the fall damage (sometimes too low)
- Fixed a bug where skills granted by items would not be shown as enabled
- Fixed a bug where when running in fullscreen and using draw scale the GUI's mouse sensitivity would be reduced
- A crash was fixed that sometimes happened after casting the fire rain spell
- Several bugs related to the Pause mode and Quickload/Quicksave were fixed
- Several optimizations related to arrows were done
- Bugs related to following NPCs were fixed
- A bugs was fixed that reversed the order of tabs in the mission screen


Build 1.09

Build 1.08
- Vak and Gonzales are now still there after a revolution
- There are now more weapons at traders and in chests
- Annoying NPCs from Faring arena removed
- Story and Missions in Al shedim improved. (Lester,Saturas,Wutras,etc...)
- Snorre's ancestor stone fixed
- All problems of Hogar and the southern Orcs fixed
- Ronar Trading fixed
- Less monsters/Orcs in Nordmar
- Vibald is now carrying explosive arrows
- Bogir dialog fixed
- Osmund dialog fixed

Build 1.07
- Navigation problems in temples and Ishtar fixed
- Phil in Kap Dun now fights in Revolutions
- Fixed the Montera slaves that walked around the well and through the fire
- Turned around a chest near Vengard
- Fixed a problem with Daryl's Orcs
- Fixed Scavenger problem near Porgan
- Kamak doesn't care about the monsters anymore
- Fixed Peer's daily routine
- Remove wolf skin in Gamal's tent
- Fixed flying Orc in Vengard
- Arena Fighters in Silden have now collission
- NPCs now react to drawing the weapon in Silden
- Turned around a chest in Silden
- Destination point for Vengard stone moved
- Removed some healing plants in Myrtana
- Several plants with permanent effect werde added
- Seruk now stays in town after Revolution
- Removed some heavy smalltalk groups
- Kor Shach's navigation was adjusted
- Tippler's hut is now furnitured
- Flying objects after changing sectors were fixed
- Lukjan Overtime quest was fixed
- Sanford's letter mechanic was improved
- Tyler now goes to Trelis
- Cyrus now leaves the party mode
- Avogadro now goes to the farm after the quest succeeding
- Kelvin now goes to the temple
- Osko now goes to the farm
- Some dialog fixes with Flint in Faring were done
- The healing potion quest from Pranck is now solvable
- Spike was fixed
- Experience points in Kap Dun were adjusted
- Nemrok quest and reputation fixed
- Mojok dialog mechanic adjusted
- Bored guard dialog fixed
- Folleck dialog fixed
- Ali dialog fixed
- Gunock talks about Grok dialog mechanic fixed
- Sulfock dialog mechanic fixed
- Lares dialog fixed
- Sulfur was added to traders' treasuresets
- Antidote was added to traders' treasuresets
- Yepas has now the correct political alignment
- It's now easier to hit alligators
- It's now easier to hit the straw wolves near Montera
- Seruk's guild adjusted
- Traders have now more water
- Kamak's guild adjusted
- Map coordinates fixed
- Several recipes fixed
- Wenzel doesn't attack the orcs problem fixed
- Nasib's enclave fixed
- Staff and robe traders adjusted
- Stone tablets distribution improved
- Beds and chests at Nomad camps added
- Yasmin's und Alima's daily routine adjusted
- Navigation problems in Mora Sul fixed
- Hamid's daily routine adjusted
- Masil's daily routine adjusted
- Navigation zones in Al Shedim fixed
- Monster distribution in Al Shedim adjusted
- Quest mechanics in Al Shedim improved
- Dialog with Lester in desert fixed
- Fasim now invites you to the arena
- Reputation mechanic in Mora Sul improved
- Lukor dialog fixed
- Angar's guild changed, Party member added
- Several fixes in Ornarok's quest.
- Dialog problem with Yasmin fixed
- Ilja's amulet is now unique
- You can't buy a flame sword now
- Raw meat bugs were moved to the right inventory category
- You can buy more maps at traders
- Lukor quest fixed
- Ali's key fixed


Build 1.09

Build 1.08
- Crossbow handling improved

Build 1.07
- A sort order for skills was implemented
- Strings can now have UTF-16 format
- Character now won't slide if the ground entity has a volume < 3m3
- The HUD now automatically selects the smallest map that contains the player's position upon opening the map list
- A sort order for spells was implemented
- The sort order for consumables, artefacts and documents was improved
- Several Balancing values have been adjusted
- Summoned party members now defend the player

Moram reči, da se je kakovost igre po 2 patchu izredno popravila, nič več ni štekanja in nastavitev na low. Za tiste, ki bi res želeli, da jim igra dela kar najbolje je, da igro izbrišejo iz računalnika, jo na novo naložijo in še preden jo začnejo igrat, naložijo patch 2 ali 3. Tako bo igra delala s pravo močjo :wink:

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Post by Innos-warrior » 08 Nov 2006 15:26

Hja to bom naredil ko bom obrnil, zdaj ne bom šel od začetka ko sem 60 level :D
I bless you in the name of Innos! May the lord's fire burn in your heart and give you the strenght to act acording to his justice!

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Post by Innos-warrior » 13 Dec 2006 17:02

je ze kdo obrnil špil?jas sem ga ze sicer kar nekaj casa nazaj ampak sem pozabil napisati
I bless you in the name of Innos! May the lord's fire burn in your heart and give you the strenght to act acording to his justice!

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Post by Frodo » 18 Dec 2006 20:39

jaz sem jo preobrno :roll:

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Post by Scorpion » 24 Dec 2006 17:20

ja igra je res dobra..sploh zdej po zadnjem patchu :wink: , drgač ubrnu je pa še nism ker ni č pa nek na sredin :D


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Post by UZI » 25 Dec 2006 15:48

evo jest sm jo obrnu. na začetku mi je bla ušeč. nek na sredin sm ugotovu d se sam koleš pa čist nč druzga mogoče so bli ene 4 questi vredni omembe pa še to ne. zgodba je kr neki, jo skor ni. pa bl blesovga konca še nism vidu v vsh igrah kar sm jih v svojmu živlenu preigrov. žov mi je d sm branu to igro neki cajta nazaj zato k je šodr. me je pa presenetl d sm jo lah špilov na max resoluciji brez probelmov na medium mi je pa mal štekala :shock: mal probite na max dat zato k pol zginejo tud vsi grafični hrošči. uglavnm zame je tole sramota gothicom, pa vidm d se bojo lotil štirke glede na to kašn je biu konc.

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