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Post by Gimli » 24 Dec 2003 12:34

pol pa men al pa vm kej ured ne dela men se odpre ta pa še ena reklama drug pa ne!

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Post by _bad_boy_ » 30 Dec 2003 14:11

no dj mi plis zrihti kode za mafijo!!?!! :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :santa
življenje je smrtno nevarno še nihče ga ni preživel!!!!:lol: ;P Image

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Post by luco » 30 Dec 2003 14:17

pa jaz bi prosu kode za yuris revange in red alert2
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Post by hamburger » 01 Jan 2004 03:07

a obstajajo kode za THE GREAT ESCAPE?? :?:


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Post by Gimli » 01 Jan 2004 03:12

hamburger wrote:a obstajajo kode za THE GREAT ESCAPE?? :?:

The Greatest Escape mode
Successfully complete the game to unlock the "The Greatest Escape" option. This allows any level to be played with a time limit.

Getting the timetable
Once you have sneaked past the Kommandant, go to the hut with the timetable. There will be a guard next to it. If you pick it up, the guards will shoot you. Instead, go into the room behind the guard. Turn off the radio and he will leave the timetable. Run into the timetable room and pick it up, then go back inside the camp.

Getting to the back of the train
Once you have the key, go to the room before the first class section. Use the key to open the silver barred door to your right. You will get weapons. Then, get on top of the train by climbing the ladder. There will be guards on top of the train. Shoot everyone and go down every ladder, as you will get swarmed by guards on top. When you go down the ladder, they come to you and you can kill them all. Once they are all dead, you can run to where you hid Blythe. Go to the jump off point and run through the door.

At any time, if you get stuck on an objective or have no idea where to go next, bring up your notebook. This brings up your notebook, and tells you exactly where to go and what to do. Use its knowledge often.

Saving the game
During missions, you can only save a certain number of times. The amount of saves you get depends on the mission. Make sure to only save after you clear a major obstacle or objective. If you save too much, it will not let you save anymore and this can cause trouble if you get caught frequently.

Mission 3 with MacDonald
Before you finish mission 2 with MacDonald, make sure you are wearing the goon uniform. Slide down the zipline to end the mission. When the mission 3 starts, you should be wearing the goon uniform. This will enable you to easily race to the hut in front of you to answer the phone, and prevent the mountain forces from hearing about you in advance. You can now easily kill the first few guards on the mountain in disguise. However, make sure no other guard sees you killing them. The disguise works until you have to past the two guards near the spotlight.

Easy completion of the Ambush mission
Once you start, move quickly to the barn in front of you. Once there, do not bother with crawling through the hole in the wall. While outside, follow the guard that is walking around, but do not attack him. Use the first chance you get to go into the barn he is guarding and climb the ladder. Once there, slowly approach the guard and shock him until he dies. Once this is done, turn around and pick up the gun and ammunition. Turn around and talk to the people. After that, pull out the gun and kill the guard patrolling the barn. Next, run out the large doors and turn to the left. Follow that until you get to the point to where you have to kill the four men. Once done, go to the roadblock, then go to the booth. However, go outside the booth and pick up the detonator and other items. Turn around and go down the street. Kill all the men. Go into every building to pick up all the ammunition and guns. When you need to use a health pack, use it. Once at the bridge, place the dynamite and go left to the building that they tell you to go to. Once up on top, place the detonator, but do not push it until the clock-like timer is all most out of time, or just when the front car is on the bridge. After that, slowly kill everyone, one by one. Once again, go into every building you can to get the rocket launcher. Once everyone is dead and you are done, follow the red arrow until you get the item you are looking for.

Defeating the tank
While you are driving the tank, you encounter another tank. You cannot fight; park somewhere safe and run into the house with the stairs. Go to one of the levers and pull it. You will see a train appear and hit the tank, clearing the path for you.
tuki maš neki niso lih kode ampak namigi. Ne vem mogoče ti pride prav

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Post by hamburger » 01 Jan 2004 13:40

angleščina mi je bolj slaba, ma se bom potrudil

hvala :wink: :wink:

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Post by _bad_boy_ » 02 Jan 2004 13:33

:evil: ej a gdo ve kaj nj nardim da mi bojo kode pr mafiji delale k jz sm use kar piše na igralcu pr kodah naredu pa nč !!!!!!dj plis pomagite! :oops: :!: :!:
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Post by Frodo » 05 Jan 2004 21:18

a ve kdo kode za igro indiana jones and the emperors tomb?

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Post by Jenky » 05 Jan 2004 23:29

Kje si dobu igrco, a je dobra!? :o
The End

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Post by BluStreak » 06 Jan 2004 01:54

Men pa ni jasn zakaj mi noben spil ne dela k si ga z daveabadona potegnem. Za dougcas recimo lemmings pa micro machines in ostale.... Sej pride v spil sam pol gr neki pobarva ekran pa konc.

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Post by X X X » 06 Jan 2004 09:17

JENKY - špil je dokaj dober ampak mene je tista hobotnica ( ali velik ligenj ) -( od tedaj jih ne jem več :D ) spravla ob živce sem jo kr dol f######.... :x
---- THE END ----

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Post by Frodo » 06 Jan 2004 13:38

BaLtAzAr wrote:Men pa ni jasn zakaj mi noben spil ne dela k si ga z daveabadona potegnem. Za dougcas recimo lemmings pa micro machines in ostale.... Sej pride v spil sam pol gr neki pobarva ekran pa konc.
BaLtAzAr a maš win zip?

Igra micro machines je za dos!

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Post by BluStreak » 06 Jan 2004 16:09

Sej sm unzipu. Ok. Bom se enkrat probu cez dos pa da pol vidmo.

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Post by dule » 06 Jan 2004 21:06

Evo tu jih maš !!
žal so v angli !!

Code: Select all

Indiana Jones And The Emperor's Tomb
Cheat mode:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "default.cfg" file in the "\lucasarts\indiana jones and the emperor's tomb\gamedata\indy" folder. Add the following line to the existing content of the file: 

This unlocks unlimited air when swimming, unlimited ammunition, and unlimited health. These options do no seem to be individually selectable.

To unlock more cheat effects, add the following lines to the file. You will get a few more weapons including a Panzerschreck, Luger, Mauser, spear gun, crossbow, Tommy gun, MP-40 SMG and the art galley. 

To get just a Panzerschreck weapon, add the following line to the file:

To get all weapons, but not the art gallery, add the following line to the file: 

Disable AI:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "vars.cfg" file in the "\lucasarts\indiana jones and the emperor's tomb" folder. Locate the "aiDisabled" line and change it to "aiDisabled=true".
Information in this section was contributed by Nate The Great. 

Bonus levels:
Enter the game director and enter the folder that contains its levels. Run the "ropetest" and "whipgym" files to play those levels, which are not found in other versions of the game. 

Art gallery:
Collect all artifacts in the game to unlock an art gallery. 

Console commands:
There apparently is a console that can be unlocked in the game to activate additional cheats. LucasArts has included the following text in their readme.txt file: "The Emperor's Tomb console commands are primarily used for development, testing, and product support purposes. Users unfamiliar with these console commands should not attempt to use them, as their use may result in game crashes, corrupted graphics, and/or a variety of other issues. Console commands and errors resulting from the use of console commands and/or cheats are unsupported."
Please submit any information regarding this feature.

najdete me največ tlele:

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Post by dule » 06 Jan 2004 21:08

Upam , da ti bodo pomagale !! :D :D :D :D :D :D
najdete me največ tlele:

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Post by Frodo » 07 Jan 2004 08:24

THX :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by DjTomi™ » 07 Jan 2004 15:34

Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb

Hex Cheats
Note: Always make a backup of modified files before changing!
Go into the directory where you have installed the game. Find the file "default.cfg" file located in the "\lucasarts\indiana jones and the emperor's tomb\gamedata\indy" folder. Add the following line to the file:


This will get you unlimited ammo, health and you won't need air when swimming

To disable enemy Ai change aiDisabled to aiDisabled=false

How to unlock Art Gallery
Get all the artifacts in the game
First artifact
On the first level go to the water fall and go behind it and you will find the first artifact of the game.
Artifact Locations
All Artifact locations At Ceylon

Idol Of Ramba Vihara=Gates Of The Lost City
Mahavatu Mask=The Hunter's camp
Port Negombo Relic=The Palace Of Forgotten Kings.

All Artifact locations At Prague

Medallion Of Lebuse=The Library
Stochov Fragment=The Observatory
Cistercian Mask=Vega's Tower

All Artifact Locations At Istanbul

Piri Reis Manuscript=Istanbul Breakout
Ottoman Seal=The Secret Of The Mosque: Part 1
Delian Proclamation=The Sunken Palace

All Artifact Locations At Hong Kong

Tai-Tsu Mask=The Golden Lotus
Longshan Idol=The Golden Lotus: Part 2
Qianlong Plate=The Streets Of Hong Kong.

All Artifact Locations At Peng Lai Lagoon

Sancai Plate=The Secret Of Peng Lai Lagoon: Part 2
Sima Qian Shiji=Iron Cross
Tablet Of Longjiang=The U-Boat Base: Part 2.

All Artifact Locations At Peng Lai Mountain

Zhao Mo Rhyton=The High Road To Peng Lai
Gui Jian Scroll=The Infiltration
Changan Stone=The Airbase

All Artifact Locations At Black Dragon Fortress

Mask Of Cambulac=Black Dragon Fortress
Qi Marble Stela=Call To Battle
Yuan Xiang=The Tower Of Storms
Beating The Kraken
After having the Poseidon statue smash the bubbling floor, Indy goes in and finds himself with a giant squid named Kraken. The cut scene finishes with Kraken coming out of his home to have you for a snack. He doesn't go any where farther beyond the four cracked pillars (you will use them later) Kraken launches two sets of 7 yellow jellyfish who latch on to you and drag you to Kraken to feed him. Do not attack him or the jellyfish just yet. Angle Indy left and up a little you will find ground low enough to climb up to dry land. Climb up as far as you can, you will find two open boxes; each containing two demo charges (TNT). Next to it is... BUM... BUM... BUM... BA,DUM!! The Golden speargun (aka super speargun!! With two sets of speargun ammo. Pick up the gun with the ammo and two demo charges. The golden speargun holds 300/0 which means you don't have to reload. Jump in the water and take out all the jellyfish. 1 spear per jellyfish (DONT GO INTO FIRST PERSON MODE) Fire the spear gun in 3rd person mode indy will automatically lock on to a jellyfish; you just need to press that (A) Button. When all the jellyfish are killed, quickly go into first person mode and fire a few spears at one of Krakens yellow eyes; Krakens kalamari body will contract, his eyes will close and then go into his home. As quick as you can, go up real close to one of the front two pillars cracks and plant a demo charge ; quickly, go to the other front pillar and plant the other charge, a short cut scene will play for each of em (exploding). Kraken will come out and trust you away if you planted the charge at the last second. Kraken will launch another barrage of yellow jellyfish. Climb up to dry land and pick up the other two charges; jump in water, kill jellyfish, shoo Kraken away like how you did before. Now plant the other two charges on the cracks of the two back pillars. Swim away, and wait for Kraken to come out and the charges will explode resulting all four pillars to fall down and shoo away Kraken for good. The water will drain away for some reason. Steps will creep out somewhere but it will show you in the cut scene then the artifact will come out in the cut scene. Go over to the artifact to get it the Chinese chick talks to you and takes your reward. You then go to Hong Kong. Go have some sushi! :) You've earned it, but there is still more along the way for Indiana Jones.Info submitted by SquidHunter7.0 on Monday, March 17, 2003 at 10:13:13Magic Trick #1: Indy's Disappearing HatWatch Indy's hat while it's on his head; pause the game at a quiet moment, Indy's hat will disappear, unpause the game; Indy's hat reappears, Ta - Daa! This will probably work for other systems too. (Try to get a good angle because when you pause the game; the text will be in the way and you won't see Indy's hat very well)
How to beat boss at Prague: the laboratory
To beat the boss in Prague: The Laboratory is to look around at the machines and there is a machine making this acid go pick it up and throw it at the boss-guy-looney, throw about 5 at him and then theres a cut-scene where there's a stick he brakes off a machine use that to defeat him.

tuki je še tud nekaj!!!
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Post by luco » 07 Jan 2004 17:39

rabm nujno kode pa ne trajner ampak tiste ta prave -igra will rock
Last edited by luco on 08 Jan 2004 16:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Legolas » 07 Jan 2004 18:20

a ma ker trainer za veter za igro dsj 2.1 . to so oni tabols skoki :lol:

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Post by Frodo » 07 Jan 2004 19:57

mel sem ga pa ga več nimam! :cry: :cry:


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