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  ISSN: 1581-453X 21.DECEMBER 2024
Najbolje prodajane igre septembra
Objavljeno: 25.oktober 2005 ob 21:08
Vir novice: NPD Techworld
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NPDGroup so objavili seznam z dvajsetimi najbolje prodajanimi PC igrami v ZDA v mesecu septembru 2005:
1. The Sims 2 Nightlife (Electronic Arts)
2. World Of Warcraft (Vivendi Universal Games)
3. Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 (Atari)
4. Battlefield 2 (Electronic Arts)
5. Guild Wars (NCsoft)
6. Dungeon Siege 2 (Microsoft)
7. The Sims Deluxe (Electronic Arts)
8. The Sims 2 (Electronic Arts)
9. EverQuest: Depths Of Darkhollow (Sony Online Entertainment)
10. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn Of War Winter Assault (THQ)
11. EverQuest II: Desert Of Flames (Sony Online Entertainment)
12. The Sims 2 University (Electronic Arts)
13. Mall Of America Tycoon (Activision)
14. Fable: The Lost Chapters (Microsoft)
15. Half-Life 2 (Vivendi Universal Games)
16. Madden NFL 2006 (Electronic Arts)
17. MS Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection (Microsoft)
18. Seaworld Adventure Parks Tycoon 2 (Activision)
19. Sim City 4 Deluxe (Electronic Arts)
20. Warcraft III Battle Chest (Vivendi Universal Games)

> 24.december 2015: Vesel Božič in srečno Novo leto!  /NOVICA/ 
> 25.februar 2013: Najbolje prodajane igre v Veliki Britaniji  /NOVICA/ 
> 24.februar 2013: Najbolje prodajano na Steam  /NOVICA/ 
> 18.februar 2013: Najbolje prodajane igre v Veliki Britaniji  /NOVICA/ 
> 17.februar 2013: Najbolje prodajano na Steam  /NOVICA/ 

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