Need For Speed Underground 2

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Noise Maker
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Post by Noise Maker » 16 Dec 2004 22:37

Ja če se v njega zaletiš ga vrže v zrak in nato gre dalje ti pa si cel le šipa je malo pokjena. :rock: :rock: :rock: .
Momma told I'm so gay I have to be banned!

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Post by blacksun » 17 Dec 2004 14:31

to je res. prav bedno je, da avtu ni nc!! lohk bi kej zboljsal. pa tiste dirke k tu uni pove kje bo dirka so brez veze

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Post by Paladin-knight » 17 Dec 2004 18:51

Kaj se name spravljate jaz sem povedal kaj je men všeč men ni zato dobr ko greš v garazo pa zamenjaš avto pa morš vse še enkrat nabavljat pol pa nimaš denarja kaj pa pol :?:
Če bi bil še bolj nekoristen, bi bil že kičast!

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Post by mark_169 » 17 Dec 2004 19:18

ko bi vsaj avte lahk obdržal :x

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Post by Noise Maker » 17 Dec 2004 21:09

Ja lahko jih jaz sem imel hondo civic in sem kupil golfa in sem v garaži nato imel še vedno hondo po golfu sem kupila audija tt pa sem golfa in honda še vedno imel v garaži... !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Momma told I'm so gay I have to be banned!

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Post by dule » 17 Dec 2004 22:11

mark_169 wrote:ko bi vsaj avte lahk obdržal :x
fora je s tem de z vožnjo se ti sponzorji nabirajo , tako de dobiš sponzorski avto - ti enga kupijo , če pa jih skoz menaš je pa to brezveze in tako sam denar izgubiš !!
najdete me največ tlele:

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Post by mark_169 » 17 Dec 2004 22:31

ja vem ja sam mot me to da jih lahk maš sam pet :x

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Post by dule » 17 Dec 2004 22:46

sej jih lahko predeluješ tudi v glavnem menuju , tako kakor tm sdam de nič ne plačaš !!
najdete me največ tlele:

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Post by |markec| » 18 Dec 2004 20:58

kak ste brezvezni! če vam kaj pri igri ne paše pa si našparajte par miljončkov pa si v real avto sporihtajte tam pa vam bo ziher vse pasalo.

Igra je najbolša dirkaško-arkadna (!) igra vseh časov in konec!
zamazan buler ti bočno parkiram v lape

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Post by Paladin-knight » 18 Dec 2004 21:30

Jaz pa bom to naredil pa bom dzek na cesti. 8) :rock:
Če bi bil še bolj nekoristen, bi bil že kičast!

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Post by BeNNi » 18 Dec 2004 22:34

|markec| wrote:kak ste brezvezni! če vam kaj pri igri ne paše pa si našparajte par miljončkov pa si v real avto sporihtajte tam pa vam bo ziher vse pasalo.

Igra je najbolša dirkaško-arkadna (!) igra vseh časov in konec!
maš prov
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mlad hunter
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Post by mlad hunter » 19 Dec 2004 12:23

za nekatere...

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Post by The sniper » 20 Dec 2004 10:45

met dnar tu je tu :idea:

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Post by Noise Maker » 20 Dec 2004 14:37

BeNNi wrote:
|markec| wrote:kak ste brezvezni! če vam kaj pri igri ne paše pa si našparajte par miljončkov pa si v real avto sporihtajte tam pa vam bo ziher vse pasalo.

Igra je najbolša dirkaško-arkadna (!) igra vseh časov in konec!
maš prov
Se podpisujem vedno ni nobenemu nič prav.
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Post by X-Devil » 20 Dec 2004 15:39

jao, toto igerco mam doma, pa se mi sploh neda igrat, niti probal še nisn, niti inštaliral.. mam cs, pa se ne morem naveličat, tak je carski.. pa me zato druge igre ne zanimajo, mogoče bi kakšen san andreas naložo, če bi mel, druga pa nič, sem z cs zadovolen.. :P je pa frend drugače špilal nfs u2, pa je kr neki, u1 mi je boljša.. :)
X-Devil. :P

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Post by The Dragon » 29 Dec 2004 17:40

Jst sm jo že končal ma je ful kratka :?: meni je napisalo pri 71% da sm končal igrico???
A gdo pozna kakšne kode za NFS undergrund 2? :santa [/img]
Gizmo is the best

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Post by mesjah78 » 29 Dec 2004 18:01

In the "Press Enter"-Screen type in the following cheatcodes (works only in Singleplayer!):

regmebaby 20000 start money in career mode
opendoors Unlock disctricts
ordermybaby Unlock all cars
gimmevisual1 Unlock all visual upgrades Level 1
gimmevisual2 Unlock all visual upgrades Level 2
needperformance1 Unlock all performance parts Level 1
needperformance2 Unlock all performance parts Level 2
goforoldspice Unlock Old Spice vinyl
needmybestbuy Unlock Best Buy vinyl
gotmycingular Unlock Cingular Sponsor vinyl
gottahavebk Unlock Burger King vinyl
gottaedge Unlock Edge Sponsor vinyl
davidchoeart (presumably vinyl)
shinestreetbright (?)
wantmyd3 (?)
wannacapone (presumably vinyl)
gimmechingy (presumably vinyl)
yodogg (presumably vinyl/Snoop Dogg Special)
tunejapantuning (presumably vinyl)

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Post by BeNNi » 29 Dec 2004 18:42

brezveze je s kodami igrat
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mlad hunter
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Post by mlad hunter » 29 Dec 2004 18:45

mal velik je napisanga

Wining an outrun
Once you have found an opponent to outrun with, get in front of the opponent and get in the lead. Get as far as possible until the distance meter has reached its limit. If the distance meter starts to drop, it indicates that the opponent is catching up. When this happens, do a handbrake skid and turn the car around. Go back the way that you came from. The opponent will follow you as you are the one in lead, but he will take time to catch up, giving you an advantage to win the outrun.

If you are in front of an opponent but cannot seem to lose him, head toward the center of the city (the area that has the five fountains). Once there, weave through the fountains. Your opponent will most likely crash into one of the fountains, giving you an easy win. Note: Practice going through the fountains first before you attempt an outrun so you do not lose your money. It is easier to do this in an SUV because it will not reach a high speed before you reach the fountains.

Find an outrun opponent then get right behind him. Draft him or her so that you can get a full tank of NOS, if desired. Then, start to spin out your opponent. You can do this by getting directly next to the car and turning into its back corner. While it is sideways or backwards, you can hit press Up to start the outrun. You will have a large head start because your opponent needs to turn around. You can win in under 15 seconds by doing this.

This trick requires that most of the city is unlocked. Get your car and get on the highway that leads around in a oval-like way. Challenge people on the highway for a much better chance of winning, since top speeds are better and there are less turns than the normal roads (so you do not slow down as much).

Easier turns in URL races
Notice that before the sharp turns during the URL races, there are a set of numbers that countdown to 1. Follow those numbers to perfect your sharp turn into a groove to speed through faster. Keep accelerating until you reach "1", then slam on the brakes and turn. Once perfected, this can help you get through the turns with more speed. Additionally, in URL races, the CPU will try to spin you a lot. Whenever your car slides to an 30 to 60 degree angle, use your NOS and turn.

Some turns in URL races do not require brakes. Notice that the angles of some of the turns are kind of rounded. If you have the speed, you could go right into the wall and make the turn. As long as you are going about 130 mph and hit these certain corners, you will only go down to 100 mph or so. You have to experiment with the turns. Sometimes you will go too fast and flip, and other times you will fly through the turns going 100 mph while the CPU cars slow down, giving you some cushion time. Remember, you must get up against the wall for this trick to work.

In the first few laps, you will most likely be behind someone. When you are going on a turn, they will probably slow down. This is where you can turn the tables on the entire race. Do not slow down. Instead, keep going and use him as a wall to get the inside of the turn without applying the brake. As a bonus you may also get him to stop in an attempt to shake you, but this will only result in getting you a good lead. Note: You must make sure he does not ram you into the wall.

Finding hidden shops
Look at road signs around the city. They often have colored shapes (yellow triangles, etc.) to guide the way to the shops. Also, look for street-lights casting a colored glow. This indicates that there is a shop very close.

Easy NOS recovery
When you are on the ground, activate hydros and keep flicking the Left Analog-stick Left repeatedly to get lots of points for filling your NOS bar. You can also do about three donuts, then wait and do another three donuts.

Get on the highway and drive in reverse. After a few seconds you should begin racking up points on the right side of your screen. These points will give you extra NOS. Note: Crashing into traffic at high speeds will reduce your NOS.

Easy money
Collecting the little information logos around the city gives you money. You will receive $25 for each one. Additionally, listen to the other racers that periodically talk to you. They will say a general location in the city where you can find hidden races not shown on the map that are worth $850 instead of the usual $300.

As soon as you start the game, ignore Rachel's request to go to the car lot. Instead, try to collect as many information icons as possible. This will give you that little extra money to start modding your car, and will save time as you do not have to look for them in your initially slow car. Also, enter the two races shown on your GPS (circuit and sprint races). Going in these two races will give you at least 500 points in the bank. You should receive a message to get to the car lot now. Do so, and continue playing the game.

Easy style points
Driving in reverse will give you style points. The longer you drive in reverse, the more points you will receive.

Easy wins
When racing for magazine covers, unique performance or visual parts, it helps if you have both NOS bottles filled. This can help you beat that tenth of a second that you have always missed. It also helps, especially in the more difficult and longer stages, with small time limits, to immediately activate the GPS as soon as you have accepted the challenge.

Easy drag race wins
Instead of using nitrous by holding it down and wasting it all at once, just keep tapping NOS as fast as you can. You will gain 1 to 3 mph with every tap, which is actually increases your speed faster than if you were to hold it down. Also, you will run out of it about one third as fast. Try this on the hardest difficulty setting.

Get bank for races
There are five stages, and as you complete each of them you can go back and repeat the races again. You may even find that there are some races you missed. These are the ones that you want to race. When you go to these, you are not supposed to get anything for them but you can change that. To access these races, go to your garage, then your world map, and select a race. When the race begins, pause game play and restart the race. Notice that there is an option to return to world map, however after you restart it will not be there. You can now race and get bank for it.

Drift mode
In drift mode, set your car up using the following this basic structure. Tune the ECU to have as much torque as you can get in the early gears. Make all of the suspension settings as hard as possible to eliminate shock travel. This will help get the back end out. Turn the tire grip to weak. Also, make the cars acceleration as quick as possible. For the toe settings, lower it all the way. Make the aero settings as weak as possible. Set the brake bias towards rear. By doing this, you will greatly increase your score, especially on the downhill. On the straight-aways you can do Choku-Doris (go from side to side) to rack up big points. You can then link them to power over-steer drifts, which is when you will use the torque and acceleration to lose traction in the back tires, then use carefully timed throttle control to get around the corner as sideways as possible. This will help your drifts scores get as high as possible. Throttle control is very important -- do not get discouraged if you spin out a lot. Note: This has not been attempted on FF or AWD cars. FF and AWD cars will most likely have a softer suspension setting but everything else would probably remain the same. FF and AWD cars also need the hand brake to initiate drifts more than a FR car would.

Easy drift points
Some of the downhill drift races have houses with looping drive ways that you can drive in. Drifting in these driveways gets a lot more points than on the street because you are so far off the road and are not hitting a wall.

Go into Quick Race mode and select the Subaru Impreza with all extreme or level 3 performance parts. You may style the visual as desired, Then, choose Drift Track 6 and 10 laps with easy opponents. Drive through the middle of the track. When you are just before a corner, press the handbrake. Release it after you have slightly slid. Your car will soon almost spin and will drift through easily. Continue through the rest of the track by swerving on the straights and using the handbrake properly on the corners. You can get about 50,000 to 500,000 drift points at the end of the race.

Final race
The final race is against Caleb (the man that tells Nikki to win, then she loses and joins your team) on a 4.5 mile track and 5 laps. However, he only gets up to about 130 mph.

Lift tire off ground
To get a left rear tire off the ground, go to "Customize Car" and put hydraulics on the Pontiac GTO. Go to free ride mode and put the rear of the car off the ground with the hydraulics. Then, push the gas and hit the brakes. The left rear of the car will comes off the ground. Note: You must have the level 2 brakes.

Get car on either side of the wheels
This trick requires all of the level 2 upgrades, and hydraulics upgrade level 2. Get the hydraulics to either side of the car, and only that one side. Then, do a donut to the right if the left side of the car is lifted and vice versa. This only happens for a moment.

Get any car and put level 3 hydraulics on it. Put on level 3 brakes. You can also use all level 3 engine parts to make it go higher. First, put the rear end up. Then, bounce the back. Next, go about 17 mph (or faster) and hit the brake. If done correctly, you could have the entire back end of the car straight up.

Fast career car
Use the following trick to create an extremely fast and high starred car quickly. When you start career mode, choose a Peugeot 106. Try not to get any upgrades unless you need them. Keep winning races and playing through the game until you unlock the Toyota Celica This can be made into the fastest car in the game. Get it immediately when it is unlocked. This should be sometime in level 2. Play through the game, making sure to take the opportunity to do of any outruns. This will unlock unique upgrades. When you unlock the unique part, you will have to go to a star on the map first. The game will tell you to go to a certain shop, depending on what the unique is. The first one is a unique hood. You must win four outruns for it. Then in stage 3, you need will need three outrun wins for a unique engine, transmission, or tire set. Choose the engine. For unique rims , get six wins in stage 3. The spoilers require four wins on stage 4. The vinyls require six wins on stage 4. The ECU, turbo or brakes require nine wins on stage 4. Select the ECU. The NOS, weight or suspension uniques require six wins on stage 5. Select NOS for an extra long boost. Finally, the wide body kits uniques require eleven wins on stage 5. Put all of these on your Celica, and it will be the fastest car in the game. Note: Do not forget to install the performance upgrades up to level 3.

More horsepower and torque
To add more horsepower and torque, go to "Customize", then tune a car up to level 3 parts. Then, go to "Performance Tune/Dyno". Choose for example, "Drag", then go to "Tune Settings". Go to "ECU" and set it so that from 5 rpm to 9 rpm or whatever is the most the maximum amount of torque you can add. Do the same for "Turbo". Then. go to "Nitrous" and set the duration to 4 seconds. This will add both torque and horsepower to your ride.

Carbon fiber the entire car
Carbon your body kit, then put a wide body kit on it. The entire wide body will be carbon fiber. This will also give you a wider wheel base and should result in a lighter car.

Cheat Codes
Enter one of the following codes before pressing [Enter] to get into the main menu to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: The vinyls can be used in career mode, but the other codes may not.

Result Cheat Code
$20,000 in career mode regmebaby
$1,000 in career mode, RX-8 and
Skyline in quick race mode ordermebaby
$200 in career mode regmybank
Level 1 performance upgrades needperformance1
Level 1 visual upgrades gimmevisual1
Level 2 performance upgrades needperformance2
Level 2 visual upgrades gimmevisual2
Best Buy vinyl needmybestbuy
Burger King vinyl gottahavebk
Cingular vinyl gotmycingular
Edge vinyl gottaedge
Old Spice vinyl goforoldspice
The Doors sponsor opendoors
Snoop Dogg sponsor yodogg
Capone sponsor wannacapone
ShinestStreet sponsor shinestreetbright
Chingy sponsor gimmechingy
D3 sponsor wintmyd3
David Choe sponsor davidchoeart
Japantuning sponsor tunejapantuning

2003 Acura RSX Type S: North America only, FWD, 200 hp, 7,400 rpm, 142 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 3.

2004 Audi A3: AWD, 250 hp, 6300 rpm, 236 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 3.

2004 Audi TT Quattro: AWD, 250 hp, 6300 rpm, 236 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 3.

2004 Cadillac Escalade: AWD, 145 hp, 5200 rpm, 380 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 2.

2003 Ford Focus ZX3: FWD, 130 hp, 5300 rpm, 135 lbs. torque; unlocked at start.

2005 Ford Mustang GT: RWD, 300 hp, 5800 rpm, 315 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 4.

2000 Honda Civic Coupe Si: North America only, FWD, 160 hp, 7600 rpm, 111 lbs. torque; unlocked at start.

2004 Hummer H2: AWD, 325 hp, 3600 rpm, 385 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 2.

2003 Hyundai Tiburon GT: FWD, 181 hp, 6000 rpm, 177 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 2.

2004 Infiniti G35: RWD, 280 hp, 6200 rpm, 270 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 4.

2002 Lexus IS300: RWD, 215 hp, 5800 rpm, 218 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 3.

2004 Lincoln Navigator: RWD, 300 hp, 5000 rpm, 355 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 2.

1999 Mazda Miata: RWD, 128 hp, 6500 rpm, 110 lbs. torque; unlocked at start

1995 Mazda RX-7: RWD, 255 hp, 6500 rpm, 217 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 4.

2004 Mazda RX-8: RWD, 238 hp, 8500 rpm, 159 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 4.

1999 Mitsubishi 3000GT: AWD, 320 hp, 6000 rpm, 315 lbs. torque, unlocked in level 4.

1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse: AWD, 210 hp, 6000 rpm, 214 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 3.

2003 Mitsubishi Lancer: AWD, 271 hp, 6500 rpm, 273 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 4.

1992 Nissan 240SX: FWD, 155 hp, 5600 rpm, 160 lbs. torque; unlocked in the start.

2003 Nissan 350Z: RWD, 287 hp, 6200 rpm, 274 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 4.

2003 Nissan Sentra SER Spec-V: FWD, 175 hp, 6000 rpm, 180 lbs. torque, unlocked in level 2.

1999 Nissan Skyline R34 GTR: AWD, 276 hp, 6800 rpm, 216 lbs. torque, unlocked in level 5.

2004 Peugeot 106: Outside North America only, FWD, 120 hp, 5500 rpm, 107 lbs. torque; unlocked at start.

2003 Peugeot 206: FWD, 138 hp, 6000 rpm, 143 lbs. torque; unlocked at start.

2004 Pontiac GTO: RWD, 350 hp, 5200 rpm, 365 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 4.

2003 Subaru Impreza WRX STi: AWD, 300 hp, 6000 rpm, 300 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 5.

2003 Toyota Celica GT-S: FWD, 180 hp, 7600 rpm, 130 lbs. torque; unlocked level 2.

1987 Toyota Corolla GTS (AE86): RWD, 112 hp, 6600 rpm, 97 lbs. torque; unlocked at start.

1998 Toyota Supra: RWD, 225 hp, 5800 rpm, 210 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 3.

2004 Vauxhall Corsa: Outside North America only, FWD, 125 hp, 6000 rpm, 122 lbs. torque; unlocked at start.

2003 Volkswagen Golf GTI 1.8T: FWD, 180 hp, 5500 rpm, 173 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 3.

Car stats
Note: These are with no special tuning, no uniques, and just all level 3 modifications:

A3: 396.4 ft-lbs, 510.6 bhp, quarter-mile 8.65.
Acura RSX: 294.1 ft-lbs, 471.8 bhp, quarter-mile 8.31.
Audi TT: 368.8 ft-lbs, 500.1 bhp, quarter-mile 8.56.
Ford Focus: 332.7 ft-lbs, 426.5 bhp, quarter-mile 8.44.
Honda Civic: 284 ft-lbs, 454 bhp, quarter-mile 8.49.
Hyundai Tiburon GT V6: 338 ft-lbs, 511 bhp, quarter-mile 8.29.
Infiniti G35: 408.7 ft-lbs, 515.4 bhp, quarter-mile 7.96.
Lancer Evolution VIII: 377.6 ft-lbs, 430.9 bhp, quarter-mile 8.54.
Lexus IS300: 349.5 ft-lbs, 480 bhp, quarter-mile 8.01.
Mazda Miata Mx-5: 303.8 ft-lbs, 424.3 bhp, quarter-mile 8.10.
Mazda RX-7: 291.3 ft-lbs, 441.6 bhp, quarter-mile 7.60.
Mazda RX-8: 269.9 ft-lbs, 476.6 bhp, quarter-mile 7.83.
Mitsubishi 3000GT: 397.3 ft-lbs, 472 bhp, quarter-mile 8.63.
Mitsubishi motors Eclipse: 402.2 ft-lbs, 467 bhp, quarter-mile 8.33.
Mustang GT: 488.1 ft-lbs, 551.7 bhp, quarter-mile 8.16.
Nissan 240SX: 335.2 ft-lbs, 488.7 bhp, quarter-mile 7.53.
Nissan 350Z: 415.7 ft-lbs, 523.9 bhp, quarter-mile 7.86.
Nissan Sentra seR specV: 338.4 ft-lbs, 481.9 bhp, quarter-mile 8.86.
Nissan Skyline GTR: 353.4 ft-lbs, 494 bhp, quarter-mile 8.34.
Peugeot 206: 278 ft-lbs, 398.8 bhp, quarter-mile 8.44.
Pontiac GTO: 439.7 ft-lbs, 543.6 bhp, quarter-mile 8.30.
Subaru WRX Impreza: 381.7 ft-lbs, 443 bhp, quarter-mile 8.78.
Toyota Celica: 281.4 ft-lbs, 445.8 bhp, quarter-mile 8.16.
Toyota Corolla: 269.7 ft-lbs, 428.9 bhp, quarter-mile 8.30.
Toyota Supra: 396.4 ft-lbs, 516.4 bhp, quarter-mile 8.10.
Volkswagen Golf GTI: 369.3 ft-lbs, 419.2 bhp, quarter-mile 8.30.

Unique upgrades

Hoods: 4 wins in outrun level 2.
Engine, transmission or tires: 3 wins in outrun level 3.
Rims: 6 wins in outrun level 3.
Spoilers: 4 wins in outrun level 4.
Vinyls: 6 wins in outrun level 4.
ECU, turbo or brakes: 9 wins in outrun level 4.
NOS, weight or suspension: 6 wins in outrun level 5.
Wide body kits.: 11 wins in outrun level 5.

Magazine covers

Auto Motor: 20 wins in level 5.
AutoMaxx: 16 wins in level 4.
Car Audio and Electronics: 6 wins in level 3.
Chrome und Flamen: 27 wins in level 4.
Elaborare: 3 wins in level 4.
GTI: 11 wins in level 3.
GTI : 16 wins in level 5.
Hot 4's: 18 wins in level 3.
Import Tuner: 4 wins in level 5.
Maxi Tuning: 7 wins in level 4.
Power: 32 wins in level 5.
Spoiler: 11 wins in level 4.
Sports Compact Car: 8 wins in level 2.
Street Car: 2 wins in level 3.
Street Car: 9 wins in level 5.
Street Tuner: 34 wins in level 5.
Stuff: 20 wins in level 4.
Super Street: 28 wins in level 5.
Swiss Tuner: 25 wins in level 5.
Turbo: 4 wins in level 2.

mal??? ta stran mi zej tut ne bo potegnala

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Post by Cwirpc » 29 Dec 2004 21:44

kak daš svojo muziko v špil, če je sploh mogoče


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